My Dog Keeps Shaking His Head?

Some dogs shake their head more than others, but it can be alarming when this becomes excessive. Dogs will usually shake their head to get rid of something they dislike. If it persists, take them in to see your vet! Dogs that shake their heads too often might have some ailment or infection from which…

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Why Does My Cat Stare At Me?

Cats are great when it comes to checking out their humans. They love staring them down and observing every movement that they make. It can be a little scary as well as quite cute, but have you ever wondered why your cat holds your gaze for so long?  Many people wonder about this! Our furry…

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Why does my cat lick my face?

The cat’s tongue is one of its most impressive tools. A cat’s tongue is covered in tiny spines called papillae, and a grooming session may last up to an hour at a time during which the average adult cat grooms itself. During that hour, the cat removes dirt, kills hair parasites such as fleas, and…

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What Do Baby Fleas Look Like?

What do baby fleas look like? Baby fleas are the pre-adult stages (eggs, larva and pupal stages), and they all look different. Flea eggs are tiny and oval-shaped and are off-white or yellow. The larvae have a shiny, wrinkled appearance. They look like small earthworms that march about. Finally, flea bug cocoons will appear as…

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